Monday, January 2, 2012

World of Onn: Using Monster XP as XP Needed

World of Onn: Using Monster XP as XP Needed: Everyone has seen and/or created their perfect 'Class Creator' for their game system. They take into account most aspects of the classe...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Decemblog 2011 preemptive post

So planning on starting up the Decemblog again.

My daughter is turning two is just under two weeks and our Christmas tree is UP! It survives it's first night with the cats, we'll see how it does with my daughter. [Oh, we have switched to a real tree, branches are woven together tighter an cats can't fit up the branches. :-) ]

Enjoying Skyrim and Batman Arkham City. Great games. I'm about level 22 right now running a Nordic Ranger.

I will post a picture of the tree later this evening.

Last evening, took my Autumn, Brooke, and Dale up to Christmas Magic at Rocky Mountain park. Great fun. Those girls are hilarious! Definitely need to do that one again.

Planning on making Christmas stockings either tonight or Friday night. We'll see how it goes.

Walking Rocky, my grandparents dog. In the mornings. Started last week but ran and holiday made it bad. This week will be better weather. We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

in hootsuite facebook Testing posts within hootsuite

Friday, January 1, 2010

December 31st

The end of my decemblog. Before I move onto the events if the day, I'd like to wish everyone a safe and happy New Year. Please be responsible and thank you for following my decemblog. Oh, Happy Birthday Josh!! (in case you missed my Facebook post)

Work was really nice, all the appointments went well. I had to shovel myself out, but was able to work remotely while I moved the snow.

After work, I picked up some shrimp, pork, sauerkraut, chips, and salsa to eat both on and after the New Year.

Autumn rang in the New Year by eating her bottle early. We all had a family kiss to ring in the New Year! :-)

Christmas Ornament Totals
Dec. 31st - zip, 0, zilch, nada
Dec. 30th - 3 bulbs and 1 branch
Dec. 29th - 0 bulbs
Dec. 28th - 1 bulb and 2 branches
Dec. 27th - 3 bulbs
Dec. 26th - 0
Dec. 25th - 2 branches
Dec. 24th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 23rd - 0
Dec. 22nd - 0
Dec. 21st - 0
Dec. 20th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 19th - 0
Dec. 18th - 1 bulb and 1 branch
Dec. 17th - 0
Dec. 16th - 0 items
Dec. 15th - 9 branches
Dec. 14th - 0
Dec. 13th - 6 bulbs, 8 branches, a strand of lights
Dec. 12th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 11th - 1 bulb
Dec. 10th - 1 bulb
Dec. 9th - 0, (the cats are planning something!!)
Dec. 8th - 0, Nada, zilch!
Dec. 7th - 2 bulbs and 2 candy cane
Dec. 6th - 3 bulbs

December 30th

Sleep last night was not the beat but some was had in general.

Work went well. Getting things done and prepared for the New Year.

Fixed a few things in Dale's netbook too.

Other than that, the end of the year is not truly eventful.

Christmas Ornament Totals
Dec. 30th - 3 bulbs and 1 branch
Dec. 29th - 0 bulbs
Dec. 28th - 1 bulb and 2 branches
Dec. 27th - 3 bulbs
Dec. 26th - 0
Dec. 25th - 2 branches
Dec. 24th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 23rd - 0
Dec. 22nd - 0
Dec. 21st - 0
Dec. 20th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 19th - 0
Dec. 18th - 1 bulb and 1 branch
Dec. 17th - 0
Dec. 16th - 0 items
Dec. 15th - 9 branches
Dec. 14th - 0
Dec. 13th - 6 bulbs, 8 branches, a strand of lights
Dec. 12th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 11th - 1 bulb
Dec. 10th - 1 bulb
Dec. 9th - 0, (the cats are planning something!!)
Dec. 8th - 0, Nada, zilch!
Dec. 7th - 2 bulbs and 2 candy cane
Dec. 6th - 3 bulbs

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 29th

Autumn did not have a great night, too much stimulation from our visitors today. It was rough, only got about four hours of sleep total, not as bad as I was thinking before the baby came.

Work was productive. I was glad to wind down and just get data entered and keep shop repairs moving.

I also got to help setup my brother-in-laws new netbook. It was pretty nice, I made sure he had good antivirus software as well as installed K9 web protection. Verizon is sending a CD and modem to his house so I'll need to bring over an external CD-ROM.

Here's to praying Brooke gets some better sleep tonight too!

Christmas Ornament Totals
Dec. 29th - 0 bulbs
Dec. 28th - 1 bulb and 2 branches
Dec. 27th - 3 bulbs
Dec. 26th - 0
Dec. 25th - 2 branches
Dec. 24th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 23rd - 0
Dec. 22nd - 0
Dec. 21st - 0
Dec. 20th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 19th - 0
Dec. 18th - 1 bulb and 1 branch
Dec. 17th - 0
Dec. 16th - 0 items
Dec. 15th - 9 branches
Dec. 14th - 0
Dec. 13th - 6 bulbs, 8 branches, a strand of lights
Dec. 12th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 11th - 1 bulb
Dec. 10th - 1 bulb
Dec. 9th - 0, (the cats are planning something!!)
Dec. 8th - 0, Nada, zilch!
Dec. 7th - 2 bulbs and 2 candy cane
Dec. 6th - 3 bulbs

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 28th

Autumn had a much better night last night. Brooke and I also learned that after midnight, Spike TV is NOT something to leave on while sleeping. Autumn is eating a lot more in the bottles now too, which is great.

Work was nice today. Got things resolved and working. Setup a wireless range expander and tested it, all good. I also delivered a PC and fixed some spam filters. I even reconfigured a customer's iPod.

Got home on time which is a BIG plus. Brooke loves when I get home on time. Kristen brought us some dinner, which was a nice break. Autumn was pretty well behaved for the dinner. I got to eat chicken with just a fork. [Thanks Kristen!!]

Autumn seems to be ready for a better night tonight as well. We'll see how things go.

Christmas Ornament Totals
Dec. 28th - 1 bulb and 2 branches
Dec. 27th - 3 bulbs
Dec. 26th - 0
Dec. 25th - 2 branches
Dec. 24th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 23rd - 0
Dec. 22nd - 0
Dec. 21st - 0
Dec. 20th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 19th - 0
Dec. 18th - 1 bulb and 1 branch
Dec. 17th - 0
Dec. 16th - 0 items
Dec. 15th - 9 branches
Dec. 14th - 0
Dec. 13th - 6 bulbs, 8 branches, a strand of lights
Dec. 12th - 2 bulbs
Dec. 11th - 1 bulb
Dec. 10th - 1 bulb
Dec. 9th - 0, (the cats are planning something!!)
Dec. 8th - 0, Nada, zilch!
Dec. 7th - 2 bulbs and 2 candy cane
Dec. 6th - 3 bulbs